Bríd O’Donoghue Spiritual Healer

profile Brid O'Donoghue spiritual healer Ireland author workshop facilitator intuitive psychic worker with guides angels light Breda Bridge Breed Keeley Kieley O'Donohue

Bríd O’Donoghue is an Irish author & psychic spiritual healer.  While channeling healing she experiences her clients’ physical and emotional pain.  As a medium Bríd has the ability to communicate with the dead and frequently assists souls / ghosts on their journey home. Her books offer insights into psychic development, guidance for the highly sensitive and the empath, (both adults and children) and knowledge for those who wish to learn more about residual energy, geopathic stress and the presence of ghosts / poltergeists.


The Psychic Code explains how we receive information through dreams, premonitions and our sixth sense and how we are impacted by energy/vibration. Brid encourages the reader to come to a greater understanding of their own intuition, sensitivity & empathy while learning to understand their unique psychic ability.

The Psychic Code book developing intuition and psychic development highly sensitive empathy empathic grounding protection disconnection tools geopathic stress residual energy souls spirits learn use abilities


The Mystery of the Sensitive Child brings awareness to the unique challenges faced by sensitive children. Some will be anxious or overwhelmed by their environment. While others present with behavioral problems. She looks at the full level of emotional capacity from the narcissist, through varying levels of sensitivity, to empathy and on to sensory overload in the autistic spectrum. This book offers suggestions, exercises, practical tools and strategies to assist those who parent or mentor these children with the challenges of everyday life.

Book mentors sensitive children, often overwhelmed, anxious, withdrawn with tools and strategies


Memories And Missions takes the reader on a journey through Bríd’s younger years as she came to a better acceptance & development of her psychic gifts.  The testimonies shared by clients, brings clarity and healing to a wider audience while giving a very personal insight into her life as a healer.

accepting developing psychic ability intuitive gifts spiritual healer emotional physical spiritual healing ghosts special ability protection disconnection autobiography meditation advice awareness stories