The Psychic Code

The comprehensive guide to understanding your sixth sense.

The Psychic Code

Have you ever felt there was something deeper going on around you? Perhaps something you feel, but cannot put your finger on? It’s time to understand your unique psychic code.

The Psychic Code explains the way we receive information through dreams, premonitions and our sixth sense. Bríd introduces practical tools and straightforward explanations on the types of energy we can be impacted by, including; empathically picking up on the feelings of others, geopathic stress, residual energy and spirit energy. She explains the journey of the soul: acknowledging the existence of trapped souls / ghosts / poltergeists, giving suggestions on protection and ways to assist when appropriate.

Bríd gives explanations on the various ways we receive psychic information through our senses, Clairalience (smell) Clairaudience (Hearing) Clairgustance (taste) Clairsentience (sixth-sense) Clairtangence (touch) Clairvoyance (sight) Clairempathy (emotional sensation).

The Psychic Code

The Psychic Code book helps understand intuition Clairalience Clairaudience Clairgustance Clairsentience Clairtangence Clairvoyance Clairempathy. protection and explanation of ghosts spirits poltergeists